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R3D....... 이런 이름의 풍동실험 관련 프로그램 실행파일이 있어서


./를 이용해서 실행시키려 했는데 permission denied 나와 권한 문제 만지고


기대감을 갖고 다시 하니 이번에는 cannot execute binary file 이라는 말이 뜨네요~


어떻게 하면 실행시킬 수 있을까요???도와주세요^^

*밑에는 그냥 리드미 파일인데 참고해주세요^^; 제가 완전 초보라ㅜㅠ 화이팅!!ㅋ

This initial 0.0.1a release of the aerodynamics programmes suite (jan 2009)
includes only the 1D advection, Burgers, and Euler solvers.
Binaries were built for Linux using the intel Intel(R) 64, Version 10.1 compiler.
These are standalone binaries, so you do not need to install the compiler to run them.


The release contains:

1: source files in aerodynamics/R3D_src/R1D_0_0_1_src
2: binary (executable) Linux files (quadruple precision)                    in aerodynamics/R3D_bin
3: make_file to built the binaries in aerodynamics/R3D_bin
4: examples of runs with these files in aerodynamics/R3Dr/R1Dr
5: theoretical documentation (AIAA Paper 2009--1612, submitted to JCP)      in aerodynamics/R3D_doc

The release does not contain:

6: manual (in this READ_ME file)
7: programming manual: in writting (due feb 2009)
8: gui: in preparation (due apr 2009)


remarks: 1) directory aerodynamics/R3D_bin should be included in the definition of $PATH
         2) copy directory R3Dr in your working directory before running
            the programmes, to prevent sakmple data and results from being overwritten

1: source files in aerodynamics/R3D_src/R1D_0_0_1_src

   MODULES (to be compiled in this order!)
   RSM_tensor_types.f90           : modules of basic tensor types (used overall in R3D; not very much in 1D)
   R3D_types.f90                  : modules used in R3D

   R3D_sch_3D_WENO.f90            : 1D scalar WENO reconstruction routines; both local (eg R3D_WENO_17_1D) at a given point, and global (eg R3D_sch_3D_WENO_17)
   R3D_sch_3D_WENO_uvw.f90        : characteristice variables WENO reconstruction for the 1-D Euler equations, with ROR (reduced-order-reduction)
R3D_TM.f90 : time-integration routines
R3D_ARS.f90 : approximate Riemann solvers and change-of-variables (primitive/conservative) routines
R3D_RS.f90 : Riemann solver for the Euler Equations

   R3D_advctn_dffsn_1D.f90        : main programme for solving the 1-D advection equation
   R3D_Burgers_1D.f90             : main programme for solving the 1-D Burgers equation
   R3D_Euler_1D.f90               : main programme for solving the 1-D Euler equations
   R3D_Euler_1D_Riemann_Solver.f90: main programme for solving the Riemann problem for the 1-D Euler equations

2: binary (executable) standalone Linux files (quadruple precision) in aerodynamics/R3D_bin

3: make_file to built the binaries in aerodynamics/R3D_bin/ and in aerodynamics/R3D_src/R1D_0_0_1_src/
   to built all files execute make_all_files_LNX_r16 in aerodynamics/R3D_src/R1D_0_0_1_src/

4: sample answer files and sample results in aerodynamics/R3Dr/R1D/Euler_1D

5: documentation in aerodynamics/aerodynamics_doc


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