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dns 운용시 에러

작성자 정보

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컨텐츠 정보


DNS Server encountered a packet addressed to itself -- IP address 211.x.x.x. The DNS server should never be sending a packet to itself.  This situation usually indicates a configuration error. Check the following areas for possible self-send configuration errors:      1) Forwarders list. (DNS servers should not forward to themselves).     2) Master lists of secondary zones.     3) Notify lists of primary zones.     4) Delegations of subzones.  Must not contain NS record for DNS server      Example:     -> This DNS server dns1.foo.com is the primary for the zone foo.com.     -> You have delegated the zone bar.foo.com to bardns.bar.foo.com. and         are NOT running the bar.foo.com zone on this DNS (dns1.foo.com).     -> bar.foo.com MUST NOT have an NS record that points at dns1.foo.com.      Note, you should make this check (with nslookup or DNS manager) both on     this DNS server and on the server(s) you delegated the subzone to.     It is possible that the delegation was done correctly, but that the primary     DNS for the subzone, has any incorrect NS record pointing back at this server.     If this incorrect NS record is cached at this server, then the self-send     could result.  If found, the subzone DNS server admin should remove the     offending NS record.

위와 같은 이벤트 에러가 있습니다.

역방향 영역권한을 위임받은 후 부터 이런 에러가 발생되는 것이 아닌가 싶은데..

영역은 분명 만들어 주었거든요...

혹 역방향 영역권한 위임후 더 설정해야 할 부분이 있나요??

아니면, 위와 같은 에러가 어떤 다른 문제가 있어서 일까요??

위에 에러 메시지에 나열된 것과 같은 세팅상의 오류는 없습니다.


답변 부탁 드릴께요..


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