클라우드/리눅스에 관한 질문과 답변을 주고 받는 곳입니다.
리눅스 분류

설치시 디버그 에러입니다

작성자 정보

  • 정기호 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


파티션 설정 완료하고
다음 단계로 넘어 갈라고 하면 디버그 에러 나옵니다.
두번까지 하다가 도스상태에서 fdisk 포멧하고 리눅스 redhat 7.2
다시 설치해봤는데 파티션 설정 지속적으로 디버그 에러 나옵니다.

책에는 리눅스 30일 완성 이라고 쓰여있는데 지금 설치하는 시간이 약 20일 지난듯.....ㅠㅠ

  파티션 설정 화면입니다.
이렇게 까지는 했거든요.  다음 누르면 debug에러로 바로 설치 종료되어버림니다. ㅠㅠ
디버그 내용입니다.
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 620, in ?
    intf.run(id, dispatch, configFileData)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 350, in run
    self.icw.run (self.runres, configFileData)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 778, in run
    mainloop ()
  File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/gtk.py", line 2608, in mainloop
  File "/usr/lib/python1.5/site-packages/gtk.py", line 125, in __call__
    ret = apply(self.func, a)
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 395, in nextClicked
    rc = self.currentWindow.getNext ()
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/partition_gui.py", line 540, in getNext
  File "/usr/lib/anaconda/partitioning.py", line 628, in sanityCheckAllRequests
    warnings.append(_("You have allocated less swap space (%dM) than available RAM (%dM) on your system.  This could negatively impact performance.") %(swapSize, mem))
ValueError: unsupported format character '$' (0x24)

Local variables in innermost frame:
size: 20
baseChecks: 0
requests: <partitioning.Partitions instance at 842f2e0>
rem: 15935
slash: mountpoint: /   type: ext3   uniqueID:10
  size: 1200M   requestSize: 1200M  grow: None   max: None
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: hda3, currentDrive: hda
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
diskset: <partitioning.DiskSet instance at 857e4c0>
warnings: []
swapSize: 22.1176757812
request: mountpoint: None   type: swap   uniqueID:11
  size: 20M   requestSize: 20M  grow: None   max: None
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: hda5, currentDrive: hda
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
req: None
mount: /boot
mem: 512
bootreq: mountpoint: /   type: ext3   uniqueID:10
  size: 1200M   requestSize: 1200M  grow: None   max: None
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: hda3, currentDrive: hda
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
errors: []
foundSwap: 1
checkSizes: [('/usr', 250), ('/tmp', 50), ('/var', 50), ('/home', 100), ('/boot', 20)]

Dispatcher instance, containing members:
skipSteps: {'reconfigwelcome': 1, 'addswap': 1, 'indivpackage': 1, 'upgrademigratefs': 1, 'findpackages': 1, 'reconfigkeyboard': 1, 'makebootdisk': 1, 'authentication': 1, 'autopartitionexecute': 1, 'upgrademount': 1, 'autopartition': 1, 'confirmupgrade': 1, 'upgradeswapsuggestion': 1, 'upgrademigfind': 1, 'findinstall': 1, 'findrootparts': 1, 'reconfigcomplete': 1, 'upgradecontinue': 1}
dir: 1
id: InstallData instance, containing members:
  configFileData: {'Splashscreen': pixmaps/first.png, 'WelcomeScreen': pixmaps/splash.png, 'TitleBar': pixmaps/anaconda_header.png, 'Title': Red Hat Linux Beta}
  upgradeSwapInfo: None
  langSupport: Language instance, containing members:
    langList: None
    allSupportedLangs: None
    supported: []
    langNicks: None
    default: None
    langInfoByName: {'Spanish (Colombia)': ('es_CO', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Argentina)': ('es_AR', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Italian (Italy)': ('it_IT@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Lebanon)': ('ar_LB', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Spanish (Guatemala)': ('es_GT', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Malay (Malaysia)': ('ms_MY', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)': ('ar_LY', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Arabic (Oman)': ('ar_OM', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Arabic (Iraq)': ('ar_IQ', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Arabic (Kuwait)': ('ar_KW', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'English (South Africa)': ('en_ZA', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'French (Switzerland)': ('fr_CH', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Bahrein)': ('ar_BH', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Croatian': ('hr_HR', 'iso02', 'lat2-sun16'), 'French (France)': ('fr_FR@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Greenlandic (Greenland)': ('kl_GL', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Korean (Republic of Korea)': ('ko_KR.eucKR', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Ukrainian': ('uk_UA', 'koi8-u', 'cyr-sun16'), 'Spanish (Mexico)': ('es_MX', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Greek': ('el_GR', 'iso07', 'iso07.16'), 'Spanish (El Salvador)': ('es_SV', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Peru)': ('es_PE', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Honduras)': ('es_HN', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Costa Rica)': ('es_CR', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (Denmark)': ('en_DK', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Dutch (Netherlands)': ('nl_NL@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Serbian (Yugoslavia)': ('sr_YU@cyrillic', 'iso05', 'cyr-sun16'), 'Bosnian (Bosnia and Herzegowina)': ('bs_BA', 'iso02', 'lat2-sun16'), 'Russian (Ukraine)': ('ru_UA', 'koi8-u', 'cyr-sun16'), 'Portuguese (Portugal)': ('pt_PT@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Afrikaans (South Africa)': ('af_ZA', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Norwegian': ('no_NO', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Morocco)': ('ar_MA', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'English (Philippines)': ('en_PH', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Algeria)': ('ar_DZ', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Indonesian': ('id_ID', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Danish': ('da_DK', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Chinese (Taiwan R.O.C.)': ('zh_TW.Big5', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Faroese (Faroe Islands)': ('fo_FO', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Galician (Spain)': ('gl_ES@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (New Zealand)': ('en_NZ', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Bolivia)': ('es_BO', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Cornish (Britain)': ('kw_GB', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (United Arab Emirates)': ('ar_AE', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Spanish (Nicaragua)': ('es_NI', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'German (Austria)': ('de_AT@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Romanian': ('ro_RO', 'iso02', 'lat2-sun16'), 'Spanish (Paraguay)': ('es_PY', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Hebrew (Israel)': ('he_IL', 'iso08', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'German (Luxemburg)': ('de_LU@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (USA)': ('es_US', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Portuguese (Brasil)': ('pt_BR', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Equador)': ('es_EC', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Polish': ('pl_PL', 'iso02', 'lat2-sun16'), 'Slovak': ('sk_SK', 'iso02', 'lat2-sun16'), 'Macedonian': ('mk_MK', 'iso05', 'cyr-sun16'), 'Spanish (Spain)': ('es_ES@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Chile)': ('es_CL', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Syrian Arab Republic)': ('ar_SY', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Czech': ('cs_CZ', 'iso02', 'lat2-sun16'), 'Irish': ('ga_IE@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Jordan)': ('ar_JO', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Italian (Switzerland)': ('it_CH', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'German (Belgium)': ('de_BE@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Albanian': ('sq_AL', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Occitan (France)': ('oc_FR', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Finnish': ('fi_FI@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Swedish (Sweden)': ('sv_SE', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (Singapore)': ('en_SG', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Dutch (Belgium)': ('nl_BE@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Panama)': ('es_PA', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Venezuela)': ('es_VE', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (Great Britain)': ('en_GB', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Russian': ('ru_RU.koi8r', 'koi8-u', 'cyr-sun16'), 'Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway)': ('nn_NO', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (Zimbabwe)': ('en_ZW', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (USA)': ('en_US', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Tagalog (Philipines)': ('tl_PH', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Breton (France)': ('br_FR', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Chinese (P.R. of China)': ('zh_CN.GB2312', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Yemen)': ('ar_YE', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Basque (Spain)': ('eu_ES@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Qatar)': ('ar_QA', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Arabic (Egypt)': ('ar_EG', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'French (Belgium)': ('fr_BE@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (Ireland)': ('en_IE@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Hungarian': ('hu_HU', 'iso02', 'lat2-sun16'), 'Arabic (Tunisia)': ('ar_TN', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'French (Luxemburg)': ('fr_LU@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Japanese': ('ja_JP.eucJP', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Uzbek (Uzbekistan)': ('uz_UZ', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Swedish (Finland)': ('sv_FI@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Saudi Arabia)': ('ar_SA', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Spanish (Dominican Republic)': ('es_DO', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'French (Canada)': ('fr_CA', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (Canada)': ('en_CA', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'German (Germany)': ('de_DE@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Slovenian (Slovenia)': ('sl_SI', 'iso02', 'lat2-sun16'), 'Spanish (Uruguay)': ('es_UY', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'German (Switzerland)': ('de_CH', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (Hong Kong)': ('en_HK', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (Australia)': ('en_AU', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Catalan (Spain)': ('ca_ES@euro', 'iso15', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Spanish (Puerto Rico)': ('es_PR', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Turkish': ('tr_TR', 'iso09', 'lat5-sun16'), 'Estonian': ('et_EE', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Arabic (Sudan)': ('ar_SD', 'iso06', 'LatArCyrHeb-16'), 'Icelandic': ('is_IS', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'English (Botswana)': ('en_BW', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16'), 'Manx Gaelic (Britain)': ('gv_GB', 'iso01', 'lat0-sun16')}
    info: {'SUPPORTED': None}
  rootPassword: None
  diskset: DiskSet instance, containing members:
    disks: {'hda': <PedDisk object at 87778c8>}
  tmpData: {'Splashscreen': pixmaps/first.png, 'WelcomeScreen': pixmaps/splash.png, 'TitleBar': pixmaps/anaconda_header.png, 'Title': Red Hat Linux Beta}
  instLanguage: InstallTimeLanguage instance, containing members:
    kbd: {'Italian': it, 'Korean': us, 'Russian': ru, 'English': us, 'Norwegian': no-latin1, 'Swedish': se-latin1, 'French': fr-latin1, 'Japanese': jp106, 'Slovenian': slovene, 'Czech': cz-lat2, 'Ukrainian': ua, 'Spanish': es, 'German': de-latin1-nodeadkeys, 'Danish': us, 'Icelandic': is-latin1}
    font: {'Italian': lat0-sun16, 'Korean': None, 'Russian': cyr-sun16, 'English': default8x16, 'Norwegian': lat0-sun16, 'Swedish': lat0-sun16, 'French': lat0-sun16, 'Japanese': Kon, 'Slovenian': lat2-sun16, 'Czech': lat2-sun16, 'Ukrainian': cyr-sun16, 'Spanish': lat0-sun16, 'German': lat0-16, 'Danish': lat0-sun16, 'Icelandic': lat0-sun16}
    langNicks: {'Italian': it_IT, 'Korean': ko_KR.eucKR, 'Russian': ru_RU.koi8r, 'English': en_US, 'Norwegian': no_NO, 'Swedish': sv_SE, 'French': fr_FR, 'Japanese': ja_JP.eucJP, 'Slovenian': sl_SI, 'Czech': cs_CZ, 'Ukrainian': uk_UA, 'Spanish': es_ES, 'German': de_DE, 'Danish': da_DK, 'Icelandic': is_IS}
    langList: [Czech, Danish, English, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian]
    tz: {'Italian': Europe/Rome, 'Korean': Asia/Seoul, 'Russian': Europe/Moscow, 'English': America/New_York, 'Norwegian': Europe/Oslo, 'Swedish': Europe/Stockholm, 'French': Europe/Paris, 'Japanese': Asia/Tokyo, 'Slovenian': Europe/Ljubljana, 'Czech': Europe/Prague, 'Ukrainian': Europe/Kiev, 'Spanish': Europe/Madrid, 'German': Europe/Berlin, 'Danish': Europe/Copenhagen, 'Icelandic': Atlantic/Reykjavik}
    map: {'Italian': iso15, 'Korean': None, 'Russian': koi8-r, 'English': iso01, 'Norwegian': iso15, 'Swedish': iso15, 'French': iso15, 'Japanese': None, 'Slovenian': iso02, 'Czech': iso02, 'Ukrainian': koi8-u, 'Spanish': iso15, 'German': iso09, 'Danish': iso15, 'Icelandic': iso15}
    current: ko_KR.eucKR
  desktop: Desktop instance, containing members:
    runlevel: 3
    info: {}
  videocard: primary: 0
vidCards: [<videocard.VideoCard instance at 81e30c0>]
Primary Video Card Info:
device: fb0
descr : ATI|Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x
server: XFree86
cardManf: ATI MACH64
vidRam: 8128
carddata: {'NAME': 'ATI Rage Mobility', 'DRIVER': 'ati', 'NOCLOCKPROBE': '', 'LINE': '    # Uncomment the following line to enable external display12    # Option "crt_screen"', 'CHIPSET': 'ati', 'VENDOR': 'ATI MACH64'}
devID: ATI Rage Mobility
fbmodes: None
fbbpp: None

  floppyDevice: fd0
  xconfig: XF86Config instance, containing members:
    keyLayout: us
    manualModes: {'16': ['800x600']}
    mouse: FULLNAME="Generic - 2 Button Mouse (PS/2)"

    monlist: {}
    keyRules: xfree86
    keyModel: pc105
    device: None
    monids: {}
# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like ".txt" or ".db").  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

    RgbPath        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (they are concatenated together)
# By default, Red Hat 6.0 and later now use a font server independent of
# the X server to render fonts.

    FontPath   "unix/:7100"

    videocard: FrameBufferCard instance, containing members:
      server: None
      cardManf: None
      devID: None
      probedcard: None
      vidRam: None
      device: None
      fbmodes: None
      descr: None
      fbbpp: None
      cardData: None
    modes: {'16': ['800x600']}
    res: 800x600
    monitor: monEisa: None
monName: None
monID: Unprobed Monitor
fbmonSect: Section "Monitor"
    Identifier  "Probed Monitor"
    VendorName  "Unknown"
    ModelName   "Unknown"
    HorizSync   46.876
    VertRefresh 75.121
    ModeLine    "800x600" 48.002 800 832 928 1024 600 604 608 624 -HSync -VSync

monHoriz: 31.5-48.5
monVert: 50-70

    skipx: 0
    fallbackModes: {'16': ['800x600']}
    skip: 0
    fbDepth: 16
  monitor: Already dumped
  upgrade: Boolean instance, containing members:
    val: 0
  instClass: InstallClass instance, containing members:
  partitions: Partitions instance, containing members:
    deletes: []
    reinitializeDisks: 0
    autoPartitionRequests: [mountpoint: /   type: ext3   uniqueID:None
  size: 1100M   requestSize: 1100M  grow: 1   max: None
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: None, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: /boot   type: ext3   uniqueID:None
  size: 50M   requestSize: 50M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: None, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: swap   uniqueID:None
  size: 512M   requestSize: 512M  grow: 1   max: 1024
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: None, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
    nextUniqueID: 13
    zeroMbr: 0
    autoClearPartType: 1
    requests: [mountpoint: /   type: ext3   uniqueID:10
  size: 1200M   requestSize: 1200M  grow: None   max: None
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: hda3, currentDrive: hda
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: None   uniqueID:9
  size: 29139.9609375M   requestSize: 29139.9609375M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 18461520L   end: 78140159L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: None, options: None  device: hda-1, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: vfat   uniqueID:7
  size: 147.625488281M   requestSize: 147.625488281M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 63L   end: 302399L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: None, options: None  device: hda1, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: foreign   uniqueID:8
  size: 8866.7578125M   requestSize: 8866.7578125M  grow: 0   max: None
  start: 302400L   end: 18461519L   partnum: None
  drive: hda   primary: None  
  format: None, options: None  device: hda2, currentDrive: None
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
, mountpoint: None   type: swap   uniqueID:11
  size: 20M   requestSize: 20M  grow: None   max: None
  start: None   end: None   partnum: None
  drive: None   primary: None  
  format: 1, options: None  device: hda5, currentDrive: hda
  raidlevel: None  raidspares: None  raidmembers: []
    autoClearPartDrives: None
    useFdisk: 1
    useAutopartitioning: 0
  extraModules: []
  mouse: Already dumped
  bootloader: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members:
    useGrubVal: 1
    forceLBA32: 0
    password: None
    images: BootImages instance, containing members:
      images: {}
      default: None
    pure: None
    device: None
    configfile: /etc/lilo.conf
    above1024: 0
    kernelLocation: /boot/
    args: KernelArguments instance, containing members:
    defaultDevice: None
    useLinear: 1
  timezone: Timezone instance, containing members:
    dst: 0
    tz: None
    arc: 0
    utcOffset: 0
    utc: 0
  keyboard: Keyboard instance, containing members:
    beenset: 1
    layout: None
    model: None
    type: PC
    info: {'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'KEYTABLE': us}
  accounts: None
  dependencies: []
  comps: None
  upgradeRoot: None
  auth: Authentication instance, containing members:
    useNIS: 0
    enableCache: 0
    useLdap: 0
    useHesiod: 0
    useLdapauth: 0
    useShadow: 1
    nisuseBroadcast: 1
    useKrb5: 0
    useMD5: 1
    useSamba: 0
  firewall: Firewall instance, containing members:
    ports: []
    trustdevs: []
    dhcp: 0
    policy: 1
    ssh: 0
    custom: 1
    telnet: 0
    smtp: 0
    enabled: -1
    http: 0
    ftp: 0
  dbpath: None
  network: Network instance, containing members:
    netdevices: {}
    hostname: localhost.localdomain
    domains: []
    isConfigured: 0
    readData: 0
  fsset: FileSystemSet instance, containing members:
    migratedfs: 0
    mountcount: 0
    entries: [FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: None
      mountcount: 0
      options: gid=5,mode=620
      order: 0
      mountpoint: /dev/pts
      device: Device instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: none
      label: None
      fsck: 0
      fsystem: DevptsFileSystem instance, containing members:
        partedFileSystemType: None
        formattable: 0
        extraFormatArgs: []
        maxSize: 2097152
        defaultOptions: gid=5,mode=620
        linuxnativefs: 0
        deviceArguments: {}
        migratetofs: None
        name: devpts
        checked: 0
        partedPartitionFlags: []
        supported: 0
      migrate: 0
      format: 0
      badblocks: 0
, FileSystemSetEntry instance, containing members:
      origfsystem: None
      mountcount: 0
      options: defaults
      order: 0
      mountpoint: /proc
      device: Device instance, containing members:
        label: None
        isSetup: 0
        fsoptions: {}
        device: none
      label: None
      fsck: 0
      fsystem: ProcFileSystem instance, containing members:
        partedFileSystemType: None
        formattable: 0
        extraFormatArgs: []
        maxSize: 2097152
        defaultOptions: defaults
        linuxnativefs: 0
        deviceArguments: {}
        migratetofs: None
        name: proc
        checked: 0
        partedPartitionFlags: []
        supported: 0
      migrate: 0
      format: 0
      badblocks: 0
    progressWindow: <method InstallInterface.progressWindow of InstallInterface instance at 8444b88>
    waitWindow: <method InstallInterface.waitWindow of InstallInterface instance at 8444b88>
    messageWindow: <method InstallInterface.messageWindow of InstallInterface instance at 8444b88>
  hdList: None
firstStep: 0
method: CdromInstallMethod instance, containing members:
  progressWindow: <method InstallInterface.progressWindow of InstallInterface instance at 8444b88>
  device: hdb
  tree: /mnt/source
  currentDisc: 1
  loopbackFile: None
  messageWindow: <method InstallInterface.messageWindow of InstallInterface instance at 8444b88>
instPath: /mnt/sysimage
flags: Flags instance, containing members:
  flags: {'autostep': 0, 'expert': 0, 'setupFilesystems': 1, 'serial': 0, 'reconfig': 0, 'test': 0}
intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members:
  dispatch: Already dumped
  runres: 800x600
  icw: InstallControlWindow instance, containing members:
    buff: None
    configFileData: {'Splashscreen': pixmaps/first.png, 'WelcomeScreen': pixmaps/splash.png, 'TitleBar': pixmaps/anaconda_header.png, 'Title': Red Hat Linux Beta}
    bin: GtkFrame instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkFrame at 865d2a8>
    langSearchPath: [ko_KR.eucKR, ko_KR, ko, C]
    helpState: 1
    showHelpButton: GnomePixmapButton instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkButton at 840d488>
    html: GtkXmHTML instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkXmHTML at 83e50b0>
    window: GtkWindow instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkWindow at 8428a10>
    prevButtonStock: GnomePixmapButton instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkButton at 840d3b0>
    helpFrame: GtkFrame instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkFrame at 843cbd0>
    box: GtkVBox instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkVBox at 83d9cc0>
    hbox: GtkHBox instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkHBox at 844cad0>
    releaseButton: GnomePixmapButton instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkButton at 840d440>
    table: GtkTable instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkTable at 8634048>
    windowList: []
    installFrame: GtkFrame instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkFrame at 8636e10>
    currentWindow: PartitionWindow instance, containing members:
      partitions: Already dumped
      numCols: 7
      ics: InstallControlState instance, containing members:
        nextButton: Button_Next
        cw: Already dumped
        prevEnabled: 1
        prevButton: Button_Prev
        htmlFile: partition
        helpEnabled: 3
        nextEnabled: 1
        nextButtonInfo: None
        title: 드라이브 설정
        grabNext: 0
        prevButtonLabel: None
        searchPath: [./, /usr/share/anaconda/, ./]
        helpButtonEnabled: 1
        nextButtonLabel: None
      diskset: Already dumped
      fsset: Already dumped
      tree: GtkCTree instance, containing members:
        _o: <GtkObject of type GtkCTree at 83efc30>
      titleSlot: {'Mount Point': 5, 'Type': 4, 'Device': 0, 'Format': 6, 'End': 2, 'Size (MB)': 3, 'Start': 1}
      diskStripeGraph: DiskStripeGraph instance, containing members:
        ctree: Already dumped
        diskStripes: [DiskStripe instance, containing members:
          selected: DiskStripeSlice instance, containing members:
            ctree: Already dumped
            partition: <PedPartition object at 83e02d0>
            text: GnomeCanvasText instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasText at 85c50e8>
            parent: Already dumped
            group: GnomeCanvasGroup instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasGroup at 861fca0>
            editCb: <method PartitionWindow.editCb of PartitionWindow instance at 8549be8>
            box: GnomeCanvasRect instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasRect at 861fd70>
          drive: hda
          tree: Already dumped
          disk: <PedDisk object at 87778c8>
          hash: {<PedPartition object at 8252f48>: DiskStripeSlice instance, containing members:
            ctree: Already dumped
            partition: <PedPartition object at 8252f48>
            text: GnomeCanvasText instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasText at 83e2828>
            parent: Already dumped
            group: GnomeCanvasGroup instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasGroup at 84288c8>
            editCb: <method PartitionWindow.editCb of PartitionWindow instance at 8549be8>
            box: GnomeCanvasRect instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasRect at 83e0dd8>
, <PedPartition object at 8777c08>: DiskStripeSlice instance, containing members:
            ctree: Already dumped
            partition: <PedPartition object at 8777c08>
            text: GnomeCanvasText instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasText at 861fac0>
            parent: Already dumped
            group: GnomeCanvasGroup instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasGroup at 8776e70>
            editCb: <method PartitionWindow.editCb of PartitionWindow instance at 8549be8>
            box: GnomeCanvasRect instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasRect at 83e0190>
, <PedPartition object at 8770ad8>: DiskStripeSlice instance, containing members:
            ctree: Already dumped
            partition: <PedPartition object at 8770ad8>
            text: GnomeCanvasText instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasText at 8775ec8>
            parent: Already dumped
            group: GnomeCanvasGroup instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasGroup at 8776368>
            editCb: <method PartitionWindow.editCb of PartitionWindow instance at 8549be8>
            box: GnomeCanvasRect instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasRect at 8773380>
, <PedPartition object at 83e02d0>: Already dumped
, <PedPartition object at 87770a8>: DiskStripeSlice instance, containing members:
            ctree: Already dumped
            partition: <PedPartition object at 87770a8>
            text: GnomeCanvasText instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasText at 85b4ff8>
            parent: Already dumped
            group: GnomeCanvasGroup instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasGroup at 83e04c8>
            editCb: <method PartitionWindow.editCb of PartitionWindow instance at 8549be8>
            box: GnomeCanvasRect instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasRect at 85abef8>
, <PedPartition object at 87713b8>: DiskStripeSlice instance, containing members:
            ctree: Already dumped
            partition: <PedPartition object at 87713b8>
            text: GnomeCanvasText instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasText at 865c2c0>
            parent: Already dumped
            group: GnomeCanvasGroup instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasGroup at 8775bb8>
            editCb: <method PartitionWindow.editCb of PartitionWindow instance at 8549be8>
            box: GnomeCanvasRect instance, containing members:
              _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasRect at 87711c8>
          slices: [Already dumped
, Already dumped
, Already dumped
, Already dumped
, Already dumped
, Already dumped
          group: GnomeCanvasGroup instance, containing members:
            _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasGroup at 87735c8>
          canvas: GnomeCanvas instance, containing members:
            _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvas at 8783678>
          editCb: <method PartitionWindow.editCb of PartitionWindow instance at 8549be8>
        canvas: Already dumped
        textlabels: [GnomeCanvasText instance, containing members:
          _o: <GtkObject of type GnomeCanvasText at 85c1900>
        next_ypos: 56.0
        editCb: <method PartitionWindow.editCb of PartitionWindow instance at 8549be8>
      parent: Already dumped
      newFsset: FileSystemSet instance, containing members:
        progressWindow: None
        mountcount: 0
        migratedfs: 0
        entries: [Already dumped
, Already dumped
        waitWindow: None
        messageWindow: None
      accelgroup: GtkAccelGroup instance, containing members:
        _ag: <GtkAccelGroup object at 83c1810>
      intf: Already dumped
    ii: Already dumped
    reloadRcQueued: 0
    dispatch: Already dumped
    dir: 1
    nextButtonStock: GnomePixmapButton instance, containing members:
      _o: <GtkObject of type GtkButton at 840d3f8>


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