클라우드/리눅스에 관한 질문과 답변을 주고 받는 곳입니다.
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도움을 청합니다

작성자 정보

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컨텐츠 정보


linux 7.2한글
bind 9.1.3
정말 모르겠습니다
네임서버세팅을 마치고 nslookup을 처보니에라가 뜨네요
key ns. {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "UC0c+zy++fNhhjT78x0U1g==";

server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx {
        keys {ns.;};

options {
        directory "/var/named";
        auth-nxdomain yes;
        statistics-file "tmp/named.stats";
        pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid";
        allow-transfer {key ns.;};
        query-source address * port 53;

logging {
        category lame-servers{ null; };
controls {
        inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx allow { localhost; } keys { rndckey; };


zone "." IN {
        type hint;
        file "named.ca";


zone "localhost" IN {
        type master;
        file "localhost.zone";


zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN {
        type master;
        file "named.local";


zone "zone-infohantec.rev" IN {
        type master;
        file "zone-infohantec.rev";


zone "zone-infohantec.com" IN {
        type master;
        file "zone-infohantec.com";


include "/etc/rndc.key";
*.zone파일과 *.rev 은 named-checkzone확인결과 0k가 떨어지는것로 아무 이상이 없는
것 같습니다
로그파일===named restart========================

Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1187]: shutting down
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1187]: no longer listening on
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1187]: no longer listening on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx#53
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1184]: exiting
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec  2월 20 00:27:25 named: named 종료 succeeded
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1219]: starting BIND 9.1.3 -u named
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1219]: using 1 CPU
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1222]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1222]: no IPv6 interfaces found
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1222]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1222]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1222]: command channel listening on
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec named[1222]: running
Feb 20 00:27:25 infohantec  2월 20 00:27:25 named: named 를 시작하고 있습니다 succeeded

혹시 에라가 있는지 한번 봐 주십시요
named -g
Feb 20 00:28:45.373 starting BIND 9.1.3 -g
Feb 20 00:28:45.375 using 1 CPU
Feb 20 00:28:45.381 loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Feb 20 00:28:45.403 no IPv6 interfaces found
Feb 20 00:28:45.404 listening on IPv4 interface lo,
Feb 20 00:28:45.406 binding TCP socket: address in use
Feb 20 00:28:45.407 listening on IPv4 interface eth0, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx#53
Feb 20 00:28:45.407 binding TCP socket: address in use
Feb 20 00:28:45.411 couldn't add command channel xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx#953: address in use
Feb 20 00:28:45.412 ignoring config file logging statement due to -g option
Feb 20 00:28:45.412 couldn't open pid file '/var/run/named/named.pid': File exists
Feb 20 00:28:45.412 exiting (due to early fatal error)
혹시couldn't open pid file '/var/run/named/named.pid': File exists에 에라가 있늑서 같아서
싸이트를 찾아 다니면서 /etc/group에 데몬에 내임드를 추가하고 run의 퍼미션을
바꾸고 도 해 보았지만 nslookup,host등다안되네요
웹은 인터닉에서 ns.도메인.com 과 ip를 넣으니깐 홈페이지는 뜨고요
www나도메인.com 같은 IN  A 설정부분은 아무것도 안됨니다
HOST에서 도메인을 너의면host xxxxxxxxxx.com
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
이런에러가 뜨고 nslookup 도 마찬가지 입니다.]
제발도 와주세요
전문가의 조언이 필요합니다.

메신저 항상 열어 놓았습니다

서버 관리 자 여러분 많이 좀 가르쳐 주십시요

아직 서버를 마니진지 새네기 입니다



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