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제 Proftpd.conf 좀 봐주십시오.

작성자 정보

  • Proftp 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


계정 접속 밑 업로드 되구요.. 익명 접속 까지는 되는데 업로드가 되질 않더군요 ..

그리고 안되서 책 이것 저것 합치다 보니 쓸때 없는게 너무 많답니다 ㅜ,ㅜ;;

좀 봐주시고 그냥 단순히 계정,익명 접속 업로드가 되도록 하게 정리 해주십쇼 ...

# This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file (rename it to
# 'proftpd.conf' for actual use.  It establishes a single server
# and a single anonymous login.  It assumes that you have a user/group
# "nobody" and "ftp" for normal operation and anon.
ServerName                      "SghSoft Korea Server "
ServerType                      standalone
DefaultServer                   on
Port                            21
Umask                           022
MaxInstances                    30
User                            nobody
Group                           nobody
PidFile                         /var/run/proftpd.pid
DefaultRoot ~
AuthPAMAuthoritative on
IdentLoOKups         off
WtmpLog              on
RootLogin            off
DeferWelcome         off
RequireValidShell    on
DisplayLogin                    welcome.msg
DisplayFirstChdir               .message
AllowRetrieveRestart            yes
DefaultTransferMode ascii
LoginPasswordPrompt on
MaxLoginAttempts 3
ShowSymlinks off
TimeoutIdle 600
timeoutLogin 120
TimeoutNoTransfer 600
TimeoutStalled 120
UseFtpUsers on
UseReverseDNS off
AccessDenyMsg "Your Access for %u has been denied..."
<Directory ~>
     AllowOverwrite  on
     HideUser        root
     HideGroup       root
     HideNoAccess    on
     <Limit READ DIRS>
          IgnoreHidden   on
<Anonymous ~ftp>
 User          ftp
 Group         ftp
 UserAlias     anonymous ftp
 AuthAliasOnly on
 MaxClients    5
 DisplayLogin  welcome.msg
 DisplayFirstChdir .message
 HideUser root
 HideGroup root
 HideNoaccess on
<Limit LOGIN>
<Directory ~>
 Umask                 070
 AllowStoreRestart     on
 AllowRetrieveRestart  on
   <Limit READ>
   <Limit STOR>


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  • 현재 강좌수 :  36,170 개
  • 현재 접속자 :  410 명