클라우드/리눅스에 관한 강좌입니다.
리눅스 분류

cops (취약점 점검)

작성자 정보

  • 웹관리자 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보



1. Cops를 구할 수 있는곳



2. 기본사용법

#  Usage: cops [-vx] [-c config file] [-s secure_dir] [architecture]


3. Cops 자세한 설치및 사용법


3-1. 소스구하기

3-2. 압축풀기

3-3. README.FIRST파일을 먼저 읽어본다.

3-4. makefile 알맞게 수정하기

        3-4-1. chmod, test, mkdir, cp, cc, rm 실행파일들 위치를 which로 조회하여 맞추어 줄것..

        3-4-2. pass.c 와 관련된 에러는 주석문을 읽어보고 처리할 것

                (첫째행을 주석처리하고, 둘째와셋째를 풀어준다.)

                vi makefile에서 다음의 행을...

                #   If fast crypt will work, comment the first CC line, uncomment

                # the next two:

                pass.chk: src/pass.c

                #$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pass.chk src/pass.c $(BRAINDEADFLAGS)

                        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Dcrypt=fcrypt -DFCRYPT -o pass.chk src/pass.c

                        src/crack-fcrypt.c src/crack-lib.c $(BRAINDEADFLAGS)

        3-4-3. root.chk와 관련된 에러는 적당히 처리한다.

3-5. make 또는 make all

3-6. make install

   make install실행시에 발생하는 에러중 pass.chk가 없어 make install이 되지않을 경우는

   다음과 같이 해준다.

        [root@www cops_104]# cd docs

        [root@www docs]# cp pass.chk ../

        [root@www docs]#

        [root@www docs]#

        [root@www docs]#

        [root@www docs]# cd ..

        [root@www cops_104]#

        [root@www cops_104]#

        [root@www cops_104]# make install

        if /usr/bin/test ! -d sun ; then mkdir sun ; fi

        /bin/cp home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde is_able

chk_strings root.chk dev.chk cron.chk is_able.chk cops group.chk rc.chk passwd.chk ftp.chk crc.chk misc.chk suid.chk

kuang init_kuang reconfig res_diff yp_pass.chk bug.chk bug.chk.aix bug.chk.apollo bug.chk.dec bug.chk.next bug.chk.sgi

bug.chk.sun bug.chk.svr4 bug_cmp is_able.lst suid.stop crc_list sun     


3-7. cops 실행파일을 열어서 적당히 다음과 같은 것을 설정해 준다.

        3-7-1. echo, test, rm, cat, mail, date, chmod, awk, sed, mv, mkdir실행파일들의

                위치를 which로 조회하여 맞추어준다.

        3-7-2. SECURE와 SECURE_USERS의 위치를 맞추어준다.


                #  Change these lines!








                   -- Change lines 93 and 94 in the "cops" shell file.  They are originally:





                      SECURE should be the same directory as the directory that contains

                      the COPS programs, and SECURE_USERS should be your own login id,

                      or whomever you designate as the recipient of the output.         


3-8. 자세한 실행방법 및 설치의 다양한 예

        3-8-1. ./cops  -v  -s  .  -b  cops_errs

        3-8-2.  ./cops -m user

        3-8-3. ./cops -v output-file      

        3-8-4. 실행방법들

                #  Usage cops [-a architecture] [-b bit_bucket] [-s secure_dir]

                #             [-m user] [-f filter_file] [-dxvV]


                #  -a specifies the architecure subdirectory you want to run in; you

                #     must run "make install" to install the appropriate binaries there


                #  -b specifies the "bit bucket", where all the error messages go to.


                #  -d will mail a report only if there have been changes since the

                #     last one.  Only makes sense with the -m flag or by setting the

                #     MMAIL var below.


                #  -f specifies the cops filter file, which is used for filtering out

                #     extraneous warning message.


                #  -m tells cops to mail the output to the user specified


                #  -s tells cops where the secure directory is; mostly this is used by

                #     cops itself, when it is run with the -a flag; it will rerun itself

                #     with the -a flag's argument as an argument to this.


                #  -x prints out the version number (running out of letters! :-))


가장좋은방법--> #  -[vV] are the verbose flags.  Small "v" says print whatever program

                #     is running, when it is executed, in the output file; capital

                #     "V" says print everything to the screen.


                가장좋은 방법은 "#./cops -V"로 모니터에서 결과를 바로 확인하는 방법...

                        [root@www cops_104]# ./cops -V

                        **** root.chk ****

                        **** dev.chk ****

                        **** is_able.chk ****

                        Warning!  /etc/security is _World_ readable!

                        **** rc.chk ****

                        **** cron.chk ****

                        **** group.chk ****

                        **** home.chk ****

                        **** passwd.chk ****

                        **** user.chk ****

                        **** misc.chk ****


root@hlxsvr cops_104+]# cat README.FIRST


  Here is a fast overview of how to learn to use COPS; steps may be deleted,

ignored, or added at your discretion.


0)  It requires a unix system with a C compiler; the perl stuff

(optional) requires a perl version >= 3.44.  Better yet, >= 4.10.


1)  If you're upgrading from an older version, read "coverfile" for an

overview of the changes from last time.


2)  Read "README.1", either "README.2.sh" or "README.2.pl", depending

on which version you're going to run, and then "README.3".

1b) If applicible, look at the readme files in the "docs" directory

(e.g. "readme.svr4", etc.)  Alternately, read "quickstart" for a crash

course in installing/running COPS.  You may find it necessary to run

"bug.chk" (line 248 in "cops") with an optional architecture, depending

on whether "platform" can correctly identify your machine type.


3)  Run "reconfig" if uncertain about the pathnames to the system

executables that your system uses, or if you think they are at all

different than sun/generic BSD systems.


4)  "make" or "make install" (if installing, change line 7 in "makefile"

to specify where you want things to go.)  If you'd like to try the fast

crypt stuff (stolen from Crack), delete line 93 and uncomment lines 94-95.


5)  Change the "is_able.lst" and "crc_list" files to better represent

your type of system.


6)  Run COPS.  Usually something like "./cops -v -s . -b cops_errs" or

whatnot.  Also run "suid.chk".


7)  Read "docs/warnings" file for interpretations of results.

7b) If on a network and have more than one report, you may with to

run the CARP report analyzer (see the "carp" subdirectory; *ONLY*

useable with "cops -v" output files!)


8)  Fix problems that were flagged, examine the error log (cops_errs in

the above example) to see if cops had any troubles with anything, and

finally decide if you want to modify the exception filter (typically

"cops_filter", run with the -f flag; e.g. "cops -f cops_filter").


9)  Read various man pages, extra docs, and look at source code to see

if anything needs modifying or tweaking.


10)  Look at the extra stuff included.  In particular, if you have lots

of users, look at the "checkacct" stuff, in the directory of the same

name.  Also look at the "extra_src" directory for miscellaneous goodies.


11)  Put COPS in your system's cron/at (or repeat 5 manually), repeat #7

as deemed neccessary.


 -- dan

[root@hlxsvr cops]#

[root@hlxsvr cops]#


[root@hlxsvr cops]# ls -al

drwxr-xr-x    2 manager   manager       1024 Aug 28 03:50  .

drwxr-xr-x   14 manager   manager       1024 Aug 28 03:48  ..

-rw-r--r--    1 manager   manager     289908 Aug 28 03:48  cops_104.tar.gz

[root@hlxsvr cops]#

[root@hlxsvr cops]#


3-9. 설치의 다양한예

[root@hlxsvr cops]# tar xvfpz cops_104.tar.gz










[root@hlxsvr cops]# ls          

[root@hlxsvr cops]#

[root@hlxsvr cops]#

[root@hlxsvr cops]# ls -al

drwxr-xr-x    3 manager   manager       1024 Aug 28 03:50  .

drwxr-xr-x   14 manager   manager       1024 Aug 28 03:48  ..

drwxr-x---    9 2993     78           1024 Mar 11  1992 cops_104

-rw-r--r--    1 manager   manager     289908 Aug 28 03:48 cops_104.tar.gz

[root@hlxsvr cops]#

[root@hlxsvr cops]# cd cops_104

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# vi cops

#  If this is changed to "YES", then the report will only be mailed

# if it detects a difference between the last report and this one.

# Note that this makes no sense unless the mail is set to "YES" as well. [m


#  Do you want to run suid.chk within cops? [m
















#  Change these lines!



SECURE_USERS= [4m"foo@bar.edu"



[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# ls -l | more

total 242

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           3228 Mar 11  1992 MANIFEST*

-rw-------    1 2993     78          11719 Mar 11  1992 README.1

-rw-------    1 root     bin         11991 Mar 11  1992 README.2.pl

-rw-------    1 root     bin          8275 Mar 11  1992 README.2.sh

-rw-------    1 2993     78           8771 Mar 11  1992 README.3

-rw-------    1 root     bin          2227 Mar 11  1992 README.FIRST

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           4602 Mar 11  1992 XTRA_CREDIT*

-rwx------    1 2993     78           3531 Mar 11  1992 bug.chk*

-rwx------    1 2993     78           1204 Mar 11  1992 bug.chk.aix*

-rwx------    1 root     bin          1087 Mar 11  1992 bug.chk.apollo*

-rwx------    1 2993     78           1120 Mar 11  1992 bug.chk.dec*

-rwx------    1 root     bin          1901 Mar 11  1992 bug.chk.next*

-rwx------    1 root     bin           999 Mar 11  1992 bug.chk.sgi*

-rwx------    1 root     bin          5683 Mar 11  1992 bug.chk.sun*

-rwx------    1 root     bin          1393 Mar 11  1992 bug.chk.svr4*

-rwx------    1 2993     78           1364 Mar 11  1992 bug_cmp*

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     bin          1024 Mar 11  1992 carp/

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     bin          1024 Mar 11  1992 checkacct/

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           2023 Mar 11  1992 chk_strings*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78          10047 Aug 28 03:55 cops*

-rw-------    1 root     bin          1933 Mar 11  1992 cops_filter

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           7743 Mar 11  1992 cover_letter*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           2207 Mar 11  1992 crc.chk*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           1143 Mar 11  1992 crc_list*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           2290 Mar 11  1992 cron.chk*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           3443 Mar 11  1992 dev.chk*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           1184 Mar 11  1992 disclaimer*

drwxr-x---    2 2993     78           1024 Mar 11  1992 docs/

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     bin          1024 Mar 11  1992 extensions/

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     bin          1024 Mar 11  1992 extra_src/

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin          8387 Mar 11  1992 ftp.chk*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin          5952 Mar 11  1992 group.chk*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin           950 Mar 11  1992 init_kuang*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin          2336 Mar 11  1992 is_able.chk*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin          1678 Mar 11  1992 is_able.lst*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin          5969 Mar 11  1992 kuang*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin         42692 Mar 11  1992 kuang.pl.shar*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin          2965 Mar 11  1992 makefile*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin          4094 Mar 11  1992 misc.chk*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin          3278 Mar 11  1992 pass.words*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin          2794 Mar 11  1992 pass_diff.chk*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 2993     78           6582 Mar 11  1992 passwd.chk*

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     bin            21 Mar 11  1992 patchlevel.h*

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     bin          1024 Mar 11  1992 perl/

-rwx------    1 root     bin          2296 Mar 11  1992 platform*


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make

/bin/cc -O -o home.chk src/home.chk.c

make: /bin/cc: Command not found

make: *** [home.chk] Error 127

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# which cc


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# vi makefile

# the programs.


#       make all            -- makes everything

#       make install        -- puts things in their place

#       make <program_name> -- make a given program [m

# CRC_FLAG=-Dstrrchr=rindex



# Where the programs are....

# [m

CHMOD =/bin/chmod

TEST =/bin/test

MKDIR =/bin/mkdir

CP =/bin/cp

CC =/bin/cc

RM =/bin/rm


# make default


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make clean

/bin/rm -f home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able pass.o crack-fcrypt.o crack-lib.o

cd docs; make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/bin/rm -f COPS.report.ms suid.man.ms kuang.man.ms cops.1 cron.chk.1 dev.chk.1 group.chk.1

is_able.chk.1 passwd.chk.1 is_able.1 home.chk.1 user.chk.1 pass.chk.1 root.chk.1 rc.chk.1 pass_diff.chk.1

misc.chk.1 is_writable.1 bug.chk.1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'



[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make all


/usr/bin/cc -O -o home.chk src/home.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o user.chk src/user.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o pass.chk src/pass.c

src/pass.c:725: warning: `NULL' redefined

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-linux/egcs-2.91.66/include/stddef.h:328: warning: this is the location of the

previous definition

src/pass.c: In function `srch_aux_files':

src/pass.c:667: warning: comparison between pointer and integer

/tmp/ccVdZqFu.o: In function `try':

/tmp/ccVdZqFu.o(.text+0x8e2): undefined reference to `crypt'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make: *** [pass.chk] Error 1



[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make claean

/bin/rm -f home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able pass.o crack-fcrypt.o crack-lib.o

cd docs; make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/bin/rm -f COPS.report.ms suid.man.ms kuang.man.ms cops.1 cron.chk.1 dev.chk.1 group.chk.1

is_able.chk.1 passwd.chk.1 is_able.1 home.chk.1 user.chk.1 pass.chk.1 root.chk.1 rc.chk.1 pass_diff.chk.1

misc.chk.1 is_writable.1 bug.chk.1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make

/usr/bin/cc -O -o home.chk src/home.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o user.chk src/user.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o pass.chk src/pass.c

src/pass.c:725: warning: `NULL' redefined

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-linux/egcs-2.91.66/include/stddef.h:328: warning: this is the location of the

previous definition

src/pass.c: In function `srch_aux_files':

src/pass.c:667: warning: comparison between pointer and integer

/tmp/ccz2mxWu.o: In function `try':

/tmp/ccz2mxWu.o(.text+0x8e2): undefined reference to `crypt'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make: *** [pass.chk] Error 1

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make clean

/bin/rm -f home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able pass.o crack-fcrypt.o crack-lib.o

cd docs; make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/bin/rm -f COPS.report.ms suid.man.ms kuang.man.ms cops.1 cron.chk.1 dev.chk.1 group.chk.1

is_able.chk.1 passwd.chk.1 is_able.1 home.chk.1 user.chk.1 pass.chk.1 root.chk.1 rc.chk.1 pass_diff.chk.1

misc.chk.1 is_writable.1 bug.chk.1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make

/usr/bin/cc -O -o home.chk src/home.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o user.chk src/user.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o pass.chk src/pass.c

src/pass.c:725: warning: `NULL' redefined

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-linux/egcs-2.91.66/include/stddef.h:328: warning: this is the location of the

previous definition

src/pass.c: In function `srch_aux_files':

src/pass.c:667: warning: comparison between pointer and integer

/tmp/cc94Zyki.o: In function `try':

/tmp/cc94Zyki.o(.text+0x8e2): undefined reference to `crypt'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make: *** [pass.chk] Error 1

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# vi makefile


#       make all            -- makes everything

#       make install        -- puts things in their place

#       make <program_name> -- make a given program [m



[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make clean

/bin/rm -f home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able pass.o crack-fcrypt.o crack-lib.o

cd docs; make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/bin/rm -f COPS.report.ms suid.man.ms kuang.man.ms cops.1 cron.chk.1 dev.chk.1 group.chk.1

is_able.chk.1 passwd.chk.1 is_able.1 home.chk.1 user.chk.1 pass.chk.1 root.chk.1 rc.chk.1 pass_diff.chk.1

misc.chk.1 is_writable.1 bug.chk.1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make

/usr/bin/cc -O -o home.chk src/home.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o user.chk src/user.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o pass.chk src/pass.c

src/pass.c:725: warning: `NULL' redefined

/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-linux/egcs-2.91.66/include/stddef.h:328: warning: this is the location of the

previous definition

src/pass.c: In function `srch_aux_files':

src/pass.c:667: warning: comparison between pointer and integer

/tmp/ccALEmm5.o: In function `try':

/tmp/ccALEmm5.o(.text+0x8e2): undefined reference to `crypt'

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make: *** [pass.chk] Error 1


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# vi makefile

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make clean

/bin/rm -f home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able pass.o crack-fcrypt.o crack-lib.o

cd docs; make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/bin/rm -f COPS.report.ms suid.man.ms kuang.man.ms cops.1 cron.chk.1 dev.chk.1 group.chk.1

is_able.chk.1 passwd.chk.1 is_able.1 home.chk.1 user.chk.1 pass.chk.1 root.chk.1 rc.chk.1 pass_diff.chk.1

misc.chk.1 is_writable.1 bug.chk.1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make

/usr/bin/cc -O -o home.chk src/home.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o user.chk src/user.chk.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -DWRITABLE -o is_writable src/is_something.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o crc src/crc.c

/usr/bin/cc -O  -o crc_check src/crc_check.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o addto src/addto.c

src/addto.c: In function `main':

src/addto.c:48: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:54: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:85: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:100: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:112: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

/usr/bin/cc -O -o clearfiles src/clearfiles.c

src/clearfiles.c: In function `main':

src/clearfiles.c:37: warning: comparison between pointer and integer

/usr/bin/cc -O -o filewriters src/filewriters.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o members src/members.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o tilde src/tilde.c

/usr/bin/cc -O -o is_able src/is_able.c

/bin/chmod u+x chk_strings root.chk dev.chk cron.chk is_able.chk cops group.chk rc.chk passwd.chk

ftp.chk crc.chk misc.chk suid.chk kuang init_kuang reconfig res_diff yp_pass.chk bug.chk bug.chk.aix

bug.chk.apollo bug.chk.dec bug.chk.next bug.chk.sgi bug.chk.sun bug.chk.svr4 bug_cmp



[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make install


if /usr/bin/test ! -d sun ; then mkdir sun ; fi

/bin/cp home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able chk_strings root.chk dev.chk cron.chk is_able.chk cops group.chk rc.chk passwd.chk ftp.chk crc.chk

misc.chk suid.chk kuang init_kuang reconfig res_diff yp_pass.chk bug.chk bug.chk.aix bug.chk.apollo

bug.chk.dec bug.chk.next bug.chk.sgi bug.chk.sun bug.chk.svr4 bug_cmp is_able.lst suid.stop crc_list sun

/bin/cp: pass.chk: No such file or directory

make: *** [install] Error 1


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# which cp


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr perl]#

[root@hlxsvr perl]# make clean

make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#  vi makefile


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# which gcc


[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make clean

/bin/rm -f home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able pass.o crack-fcrypt.o crack-lib.o

cd docs; make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/bin/rm -f COPS.report.ms suid.man.ms kuang.man.ms cops.1 cron.chk.1 dev.chk.1 group.chk.1

is_able.chk.1 passwd.chk.1 is_able.1 home.chk.1 user.chk.1 pass.chk.1 root.chk.1 rc.chk.1 pass_diff.chk.1

misc.chk.1 is_writable.1 bug.chk.1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'



[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o home.chk src/home.chk.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o user.chk src/user.chk.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -DWRITABLE -o is_writable src/is_something.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o crc src/crc.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O  -o crc_check src/crc_check.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o addto src/addto.c

src/addto.c: In function `main':

src/addto.c:48: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:54: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:85: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:100: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:112: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o clearfiles src/clearfiles.c

src/clearfiles.c: In function `main':

src/clearfiles.c:37: warning: comparison between pointer and integer

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o filewriters src/filewriters.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o members src/members.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o tilde src/tilde.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o is_able src/is_able.c

/bin/chmod u+x chk_strings root.chk dev.chk cron.chk is_able.chk cops group.chk rc.chk passwd.chk

ftp.chk crc.chk misc.chk suid.chk kuang init_kuang reconfig res_diff yp_pass.chk bug.chk bug.chk.aix

bug.chk.apollo bug.chk.dec bug.chk.next bug.chk.sgi bug.chk.sun bug.chk.svr4 bug_cmp



[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make install

if /usr/bin/test ! -d sun ; then mkdir sun ; fi

/bin/cp home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able chk_strings root.chk dev.chk cron.chk is_able.chk cops group.chk rc.chk passwd.chk ftp.chk crc.chk

misc.chk suid.chk kuang init_kuang reconfig res_diff yp_pass.chk bug.chk bug.chk.aix bug.chk.apollo

bug.chk.dec bug.chk.next bug.chk.sgi bug.chk.sun bug.chk.svr4 bug_cmp is_able.lst suid.stop crc_list sun

/bin/cp: pass.chk: No such file or directory

make: *** [install] Error 1

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make man

cd docs; make

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/usr/bin/nroff -ms COPS.report > COPS.report.ms

COPS.report:3: warning: `PH' not defined

/usr/bin/nroff -ms suid.man > suid.man.ms

suid.man:1: macro error: .TH without .TS H (recovering)

suid.man:1: warning: number register `0:PI' not defined

suid.man:2: warning: `UC' not defined

suid.man:42: warning: `TP' not defined

/usr/bin/nroff -ms kuang.man > kuang.man.ms

kuang.man:3: warning: `PH' not defined

kuang.man:765: warning: `login' not defined

/usr/bin/nroff -man cops > cops.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man cron.chk > cron.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man dev.chk > dev.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man group.chk > group.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man is_able.chk > is_able.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man passwd.chk > passwd.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man is_able > is_able.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man home.chk > home.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man user.chk > user.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man pass.chk > pass.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man root.chk > root.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man rc.chk > rc.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man pass_diff.chk > pass_diff.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man misc.chk > misc.chk.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man is_writable > is_writable.1

/usr/bin/nroff -man bug.chk > bug.chk.1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#  

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make all

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o home.chk src/home.chk.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o user.chk src/user.chk.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -DWRITABLE -o is_writable src/is_something.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o crc src/crc.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O  -o crc_check src/crc_check.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o addto src/addto.c

src/addto.c: In function `main':

src/addto.c:48: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:54: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:85: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:100: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

src/addto.c:112: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o clearfiles src/clearfiles.c

src/clearfiles.c: In function `main':

src/clearfiles.c:37: warning: comparison between pointer and integer

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o filewriters src/filewriters.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o members src/members.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o tilde src/tilde.c

/usr/bin/gcc -O -o is_able src/is_able.c

cd docs; make

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/bin/chmod u+x chk_strings root.chk dev.chk cron.chk is_able.chk cops group.chk rc.chk passwd.chk

ftp.chk crc.chk misc.chk suid.chk kuang init_kuang reconfig res_diff yp_pass.chk bug.chk bug.chk.aix

bug.chk.apollo bug.chk.dec bug.chk.next bug.chk.sgi bug.chk.sun bug.chk.svr4 bug_cmp

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make clean

/bin/rm -f home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able pass.o crack-fcrypt.o crack-lib.o

cd docs; make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/bin/rm -f COPS.report.ms suid.man.ms kuang.man.ms cops.1 cron.chk.1 dev.chk.1 group.chk.1

is_able.chk.1 passwd.chk.1 is_able.1 home.chk.1 user.chk.1 pass.chk.1 root.chk.1 rc.chk.1 pass_diff.chk.1

misc.chk.1 is_writable.1 bug.chk.1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make clean

/bin/rm -f home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able pass.o crack-fcrypt.o crack-lib.o

cd docs; make clean

make[1]: Entering directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

/bin/rm -f COPS.report.ms suid.man.ms kuang.man.ms cops.1 cron.chk.1 dev.chk.1 group.chk.1

is_able.chk.1 passwd.chk.1 is_able.1 home.chk.1 user.chk.1 pass.chk.1 root.chk.1 rc.chk.1 pass_diff.chk.1

misc.chk.1 is_writable.1 bug.chk.1

make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/manager/cops/cops_104/docs'

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]#

[root@hlxsvr cops_104]# make clean

/bin/rm -f home.chk user.chk pass.chk is_writable crc crc_check addto clearfiles filewriters members tilde

is_able pass.o crack-fcrypt.o crack-lib.o


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