클라우드/리눅스에 관한 강좌입니다.
리눅스 분류

Majordomo (메일링리스트 )

작성자 정보

  • 웹관리자 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보



#------------- Configure these items ----------------#

# Put the location of your Perl binary here:
PERL = /usr/bin/perl (perl 이 설치된경로 which perl로 확인.)

# What do you call your C compiler?
CC = gcc (C 컴파일러 지정)

# Where do you want Majordomo to be installed? This CANNOT be the
# current directory (where you unpacked the distribution)
W_HOME = /usr/local/majordomo (설치될 경로)

# Where do you want man pages to be installed?
MAN = /usr/man (사용자 메뉴얼 설치경로)

# You need to have or create a user and group which majordomo will run as.
# Enter the numeric UID and GID (not their names!) here:
W_USER = 500 (UID 설정, 숫자로 써야한다.)
W_GROUP = 500 (GID 설정) (uid와 gid는 id account 명령으로 확인한다.)

# $whereami -- What machine am I running on?
$whereami = "mail.sueni.osy"; (메일링 리스트를 운영할 서버의 도메인이름 입력.)

# $whoami -- Who do users send requests to me as?
$whoami = "Majordomo@$whereami";
(메일링 리스트에서 가입자의 요청을 처리하는 메일주소 기본설정 그대로 사용.)

# $whoami_owner -- Who is the owner of the above, in case of problems?
$whoami_owner = "syoh@$whereami"; (메일링리스트관리자입력)

# $homedir -- Where can I find my extra .pl files, like majordomo.pl?
# the environment variable HOME is set by the wrapper
if ( defined $ENV{"HOME"}) {
$homedir = $ENV{"HOME"};
} else {
$homedir = "/usr/local/majordomo"; (메이저도모설치경로입력)

# $listdir -- Where are the mailing lists?
$listdir = "$homedir/lists";

# $digest_work_dir -- the parent directory for digest's queue area
# Each list must have a subdirectory under this directory in order for
# digest to work. E.G. The bblisa list would use:
# /usr/local/mail/digest/bblisa
# as its directory.
$digest_work_dir = "/usr/local/mail/digest";

# $log -- Where do I write my log?
$log = "$homedir/Log";

# $sendmail_command -- Pathname to the sendmail program
# usually /usr/lib/sendmail, but some newer BSD systems
# seem to prefer /usr/sbin/sendmail
#$sendmail_command = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
$sendmail_command = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; (센드메일 경로 설정)


---------------- Config-test for Majordomo ----------------

--------------------- Obvious things: ---------------------
------------------ environment variables ------------------
--------------------- euid/egid checks ---------------------
effective user = syoh (uid 500)
effective group = syoh syoh (gid 500 500 )
---------------------- uid/gid checks ----------------------
real user = syoh (uid 500)
real group = syoh syoh (gid 500 500 )

Non obvious things that cause headaches:

Good: 'require'd /usr/local/majordomo/majordomo.cf okay.
Good: found ctime.pl okay.
Good: found majordomo_version.pl okay.
Good: found majordomo.pl okay.
Good: found shlock.pl okay.
Good: found config_parse.pl okay.

You're running Majordomo Version 1.94.5.


Good: yup!
----------------------- end of tests -----------------------

Nothing bad found! Majordomo _should_ work correctly.

If it doesn't, check your configuration file
closely, and if it still looks okay, consider asking the majordomo-users
mailing list at "
majordomo-users at greatcircle.com" for assistance. Be sure
and fully specify what your problems are, and what type of machine (and
operating system) you are using.


I see you haven't registered this version of Majordomo.
By registering, you will be notified of patches and further releases
of Majordomo. Shall I send email to
majordomo-registration at greatcircle.com
to register this version? (I'll cc syoh at mail.sueni.osy)

# location of alias file
O AliasFile=/etc/mail/aliases
O AliasFile=/etc/mail/majordomo.aliases

# The aliases file for majordomo. This works best if you tell sendmail about it
# in your sendmail.cf file (either /usr/lib/sendmail.cf or /etc/sendmail.cf).
# You need to be running a recent (8.6, at least) version of sendmail; one that
# groks multiple alias files.
# Look for a line that says "OA/usr/lib/aliases" or somesuch, and add a line below
# it, w/o the leading # sign, that looks like this:
# OA/usr/test/majordomo/majordomo.aliases
# After doing this, you should refreeze the sendmail cf via '/usr/lib/sendmail -bz' and
# restart sendmail.

majordomo: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo" (설치경로로 수정한다.)
majordomo-owner: syoh
owner-majordomo: syoh

test: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l test test-list"
test-list: :include:/usr/local/majordomo/lists/test
owner-test: syoh
test-owner: syoh
test-request: syoh

From syoh at mail.sueni.osy Thu Jul 18 04:49:55 2002
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 04:49:53 +0900
syoh at mail.sueni.osy
From: Majordomo at mail.sueni.osy
Subject: Majordomo results
Majordomo at mail.sueni.osy

>>>> lists
Majordomo at mail.sueni.osy serves the following lists:


Use the 'info ' command to get more information
about a specific list.

certwiz: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l certwiz certwiz-list"
certwiz-list: :include:/usr/local/majordomo/lists/certwiz
owner-certwiz: syoh
certwiz-owner: syoh
certwiz-request: "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper majordomo -l certwiz"

certwiz... aliased to "|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l certwiz certwiz-list"
"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l certwiz certwiz-list"... Connecting to prog...

"|/usr/local/majordomo/wrapper resend -l certwiz certwiz-list"... Sent


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