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yum을 이용한 패키지 업데이트

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yum 이용한 패키지 업데이트


바로 앞의 방법은 특정패키지를 설치하는 방법에 대한 설명을 하였습니다.




 이번에는 특정 패키지에 대한 업데이트를 수행하는 방법을 설명 드리도록 하겠습니다.




 rpm편에 보시면 수많은 예를 들어서 패키지설치/업데이트/삭제/검증 등의 작업을 수행하는 설명을 하고 있습니다.




 , 패키지의 설치뿐 아니라 업데이트를 하는 것은 rpm편에서도 설명 드렸듯이 yum에서도 방법이 존재합니다.




 다음은 패키지 업데이트에 대한 예입니다.






사용형식 : yum update [패키지명]


먼저 다음 예를 보시기 바랍니다.




 다음 예는 “yum update” 실행한 것으로서 저장소에서 업데이트 가능한 모든 패키지들을 검사하여 업데이트목록을 출력하고 업데이트를 수행하는 예입니다.




 , “yum update”명령은 현재 시스템에 필요한 모든 패키지 업데이트를 수행합니다.




 이때 한가지 매우 중요한 것은 업데이트할 패키지들의 의존성 상관관계를 분석하여 의존성문제가 발생하지 않도록 의존성관계에 필요한 패키지들을 함께 설치하게 됩니다.






[root@su250 Packages]# yum update

Setting up Update Process

Resolving Dependencies

--> Running transaction check

---> Package m17n-contrib-urdu.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-telugu.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package libxml2-devel.i386 0:2.7.2-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package audit-libs-python.i386 0:1.7.9-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package quota.i386 1:3.16-6.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package VLGothic-fonts.noarch 0:20081029-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package NetworkManager-glib.i386 1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package tzdata-java.noarch 0:2008i-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package libpng-devel.i386 2:1.2.33-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package libraw1394.i386 0:2.0.0-3.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package ql23xx-firmware.noarch 0:3.03.27-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package ql2400-firmware.noarch 0:4.04.05-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package audit-libs.i386 0:1.7.9-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package gnutls-devel.i386 0:2.4.2-3.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package NetworkManager-gnome.i386 1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package NetworkManager.i386 1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package gupnp.i386 0:0.12.4-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package java-1.6.0-openjdk.i386 1: set to be updated

---> Package gupnp-devel.i386 0:0.12.4-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-punjabi.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package libv4l.i386 0:0.5.6-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package paps.i386 0:0.6.8-8.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-oriya.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package tzdata.noarch 0:2008i-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package audit.i386 0:1.7.9-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-tamil.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package setup.noarch 0:2.7.4-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package postgresql-libs.i386 0:8.3.5-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package libnfnetlink.i386 0:0.0.39-3.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package libhangul.i386 0:0.0.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package libpng.i386 2:1.2.33-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package libxml2-python.i386 0:2.7.2-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package net-snmp.i386 1: set to be updated

---> Package libertas-usb8388-firmware.noarch 2:5.110.22.p18-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-malayalam.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-gujarati.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package tar.i386 2:1.20-5.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package git.i386 0: set to be updated

---> Package paps-libs.i386 0:0.6.8-8.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-kannada.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package net-snmp-libs.i386 1: set to be updated

---> Package libxml2.i386 0:2.7.2-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package coreutils.i386 0:6.12-18.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package system-config-services.noarch 0:0.99.28-1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package gnutls.i386 0:2.4.2-3.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package perl-Git.i386 0: set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-marathi.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package cpuspeed.i386 1:1.5-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-hindi.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-assamese.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package util-linux-ng.i386 0:2.14.1-3.1.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package alsa-utils.i386 0:1.0.18-6.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin.i386 1: set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-bengali.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

---> Package m17n-contrib-sinhala.noarch 0:1.1.8-2.fc10 set to be updated

--> Finished Dependency Resolution


Dependencies Resolved



 Package                      Arch      Version                        Repository  Size



 NetworkManager               i386      1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10      updates    911 k

 NetworkManager-glib          i386      1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10      updates    170 k

 NetworkManager-gnome         i386      1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10      updates    355 k

 VLGothic-fonts               noarch    20081029-1.fc10                updates    2.3 M

 alsa-utils                   i386      1.0.18-6.fc10                  updates    1.0 M

 audit                        i386      1.7.9-1.fc10                   updates    370 k

 audit-libs                   i386      1.7.9-1.fc10                   updates     79 k

 audit-libs-python            i386      1.7.9-1.fc10                   updates     78 k

 coreutils                    i386      6.12-18.fc10                   updates    4.5 M

 cpuspeed                     i386      1:1.5-2.fc10                   updates     34 k

 git                          i386                 updates    4.2 M

 gnutls                       i386      2.4.2-3.fc10                   updates    388 k

 gnutls-devel                 i386      2.4.2-3.fc10                   updates    1.3 M

 gupnp                        i386      0.12.4-2.fc10                  updates     67 k

 gupnp-devel                  i386      0.12.4-2.fc10                  updates     69 k

 java-1.6.0-openjdk           i386      1:           updates     31 M

 java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin    i386      1:           updates     94 k

 libertas-usb8388-firmware    noarch    2:5.110.22.p18-1.fc10          updates     94 k

 libhangul                    i386      0.0.8-2.fc10                   updates    6.2 M

 libnfnetlink                 i386      0.0.39-3.fc10                  updates     23 k

 libpng                       i386      2:1.2.33-1.fc10                updates    252 k

 libpng-devel                 i386      2:1.2.33-1.fc10                updates    107 k

 libraw1394                   i386      2.0.0-3.fc10                   updates     57 k

 libv4l                       i386      0.5.6-1.fc10                   updates     71 k

 libxml2                      i386      2.7.2-2.fc10                   updates    857 k

 libxml2-devel                i386      2.7.2-2.fc10                   updates    1.3 M

 libxml2-python               i386      2.7.2-2.fc10                   updates    404 k

 m17n-contrib                 noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     18 k

 m17n-contrib-assamese        noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     11 k

 m17n-contrib-bengali         noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     10 k

 m17n-contrib-gujarati        noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     10 k

 m17n-contrib-hindi           noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     13 k

 m17n-contrib-kannada         noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     10 k

 m17n-contrib-malayalam       noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     22 k

 m17n-contrib-marathi         noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     10 k

 m17n-contrib-oriya           noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates    8.7 k

 m17n-contrib-punjabi         noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     12 k

 m17n-contrib-sinhala         noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates    8.8 k

 m17n-contrib-tamil           noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     23 k

 m17n-contrib-telugu          noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates     16 k

 m17n-contrib-urdu            noarch    1.1.8-2.fc10                   updates    7.3 k

 net-snmp                     i386      1:               updates    302 k

 net-snmp-libs                i386      1:               updates    1.5 M

 paps                         i386      0.6.8-8.fc10                   updates     32 k

 paps-libs                    i386      0.6.8-8.fc10                   updates     23 k

 perl-Git                     i386                 updates     21 k

 postgresql-libs              i386      8.3.5-1.fc10                   updates    213 k

 ql23xx-firmware              noarch    3.03.27-1.fc10                 updates    140 k

 ql2400-firmware              noarch    4.04.05-1.fc10                 updates    188 k

 quota                        i386      1:3.16-6.fc10                  updates    370 k

 setup                        noarch    2.7.4-2.fc10                   updates    141 k

 system-config-services       noarch    0.99.28-1.fc10                 updates    306 k

 tar                          i386      2:1.20-5.fc10                  updates    941 k

 tzdata                       noarch    2008i-1.fc10                   updates    754 k

 tzdata-java                  noarch    2008i-1.fc10                   updates    168 k

 util-linux-ng                i386      2.14.1-3.1.fc10                updates    2.0 M


Transaction Summary


Install      0 Package(s)        

Update      56 Package(s)        

Remove       0 Package(s)        


Total download size: 64 M

Is this ok [y/N]:







이번 예는 특정 패키지를 지정하지 않았지만, 만약 특정 패키지명을 지정한다면 해당 패키지만을 대상으로 업데이트를 수행할 있습니다.



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